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Philanthropic activities have been an important part of Greek life at Oregon State University.  Greeks have helped out individuals and organization in the Corvallis community while also getting involved with regional and national causes.  At times the Greek societies needed some encouragement from the University, like in 1998 when the “Student Affairs Task Force on Greek Life Report and Recommendations” recommended that Greek societies work with non-Greek organizations on campus to support efforts like Linn-Benton Food Bank and the local Habitat for Humanity.

The public image of Greek societies that the 1998 report was concerned with was nothing new.  In the mid 1970s there were several editorials in the Barometer that sought to discredit the negative image of fraternities and sororities active in the press.  An April 1974 editorial said the characterization of fraternity and sorority members as “ ‘the breeders of a new, permissive society,’ as people who get high on drugs, booze and sex instead of life” was incorrect.  The editorials pointed to various volunteering and fundraising efforts by the Greeks.  Rather than criticism, the editorials ended positively, saying, “They are all to be commended” or “Keep up the good work.”