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Helping the Environment

During the 1990s and the 2000s, community projects among the Oregon State University’s Greek societies continued to focus on the traditional areas of helping out the campus and community by helping children carve pumpkins, raise money to help the sick, and donate goods to those in need.  Philanthropic efforts also began to expand beyond these areas by turning towards environmental projects.  

Carrie Strain, who was a member of Sigma Kappa was also an intern with OSU Campus Recycling as a part of her environmental studies degree.  During her internship she also noticed that the Greek houses were not involved in recycling as much as they could be.  As part of the “Inherit the Earth” recycling project, seven houses began recycling in addition to the eleven houses that already were.  To encourage the houses to join in, Strain helped to set up a “Recycling Challenge Competition.”  Sigma Chi won the competition which came with a $100 prize which they donated to the Doernbecher Children’s Hospital.