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Building Bridges

In April of 1958, fifty members of Phi Delta Theta helped construct a small bridge at the Corvallis Children’s Farm home for their annual work party.  While this project involved heavy equipment with lots of concrete and wood, there were plenty of small tasks to do as well.  Some worked on projects like constructing maypoles for the play area.  One of the residence, seven-years old, oversaw the painting and caulking of two row boats, hoping that they would be ready to go that day.  Unfortunately they would have to wait until the next day.

While the bridge was the central project there was plenty of other things for the Phi Delts to do.  One member took a break with some of the children and went down to the near by Willamette river to do some fishing, bringing back at crappie.  Others spent time with the residents wrestling, with one Phi Delt taking on seven of the children at once who were seeing how long they could hold him down.  For the ten hours they were there, the Phi Delts accomplished a lot for the Children’s Farm, leaving the workers there scrambling to find more tasks for willing hands.