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"Help Replaces Hell"

In October of 1951, the editors of the Barometer brought to its readers attention a “transformation” in fraternity activities leading up to initiations which had been described as “Hell Week.”  Rather than put their initiates through “cold showers and paddle lines” or other “hells”, several Oregon State College Greek societies had them put in time towards helping the Corvallis community.

Alpha Tau Omega had fifty of their pledges and members perform various tasks at the Corvallis Children’s Farm home, including cutting and stacking wood for the upcoming winter, and harvesting various crops like apples, filberts, squash, and tomatoes.  Phi Sigma Kappa also had their pledges do some harvesting by picking tomatoes and canning them for the Good Samaritan hospital.  The editor commented that “Corvallis will benefit from this new spirit.”