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The desire to serve both local and national communities has long been a focal point of Greek life. At Oregon State University, this has taken many forms over the decades. Through fundraising and awareness-raising campaigns, members of fraternities and sororities have provided their fellow students with opportunities to learn about and contribute to causes ranging from the environment to medical research to food drives to creating scholarships for students in need. These projects have originated from individual members’ interests and concerns, as well as a larger commitment to community service. In many cases, Oregon State’s Greeks have tried to entertain their fellow students and the Corvallis community at the same time as they work for positive social change. From the turtle races of the 1970s to more recent recycling contests, the spirit of friendly competition among the houses provides good fun and helps call attention to important causes. Although there has always been a healthy spirit of competition, the philanthropic legacy of OSU’s Greek houses transcends the commitments or causes of any single organization

Click here(link to timeline or similar format) to see just a few of the causes supported by Oregon State University’s fraternities and sororities over the years.