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Teeter-totter Marathon

In 1976, the Sigma Chi fraternity and Delta Delta Delta sorority raised $3000 by collectively teeter-tottering for 120 hours in a row on two giant teeter-totters placed in the Memorial Union Quad.  The money went to the Wallace Village for Children in Broomsfield, Colorado, which was Sigma Chi’s national service project.  By taking pledges from local businesses and individuals and having a donation bucket next to the teeter-totters, the original hope was to raise $4500 and break the national Sigma Chi record.  Despite not reaching their goal, the $3000 was still the largest amount ever raised in one event by Sigma Chi’s OSU Chapter up to that time.  While sorority and fraternity members did the bulk of the teeter-tottering by filling in half hour shifts, some other members of the OSU community got in on the fun, including University President Robert MacVicar and Athletic Direction Dee Andros.  After earning their pledges and having their fun, the two teeter-totters were donated to an auction to support a Delta Delta Delta member who had recently been injured in a car accident.