Series IX. Subject Files. 1895-1991.
Series IX consists of correspondence, reports, and other materials arranged by subject. Topics addressed in this series include curriculum, scholarships and honors, and academic regulations. Of special note are detailed reports pertaining to the School of Commerce prepared in the early 1930s and schedules for lectures, recitations, and laboratories for selected years between 1895 and 1915. Some of the materials, both paper and microfilm, were assigned file numbers which are provided here before the folder title. This series includes 5 reels of microfilm. Reel 5 includes some Geographical Directories that are also available in original paper form in Series I.
Boxes 31 - reel 2 (Page: 91 - 100)
Documents include memos, some blank scholarship applications, correspondence, and files from the honors and awards committee.
Bound volume that includes the following schedules: Program of Recitation, First Term 1895-1896; Schedule of Recitations, Winter and Spring Terms, 1898-1899; Faculty Directory and Schedules, First and Second Semesters 1909-1910; Schedule and Faculty Directory, 1910-1911 and 1911-1912; Schedule of Lectures, Recitations, and Laboratory Periods for 1913-1914 and 1914-1915. These include the course title, instructor, and location (building and room number).
81-90. 31 - 31.
101-110. reel 2 - reel 3.