17. Pauling Personal Library. 1806-1998.
The 4,000+ volumes that form the personal library of Linus and Ava Helen Pauling are
detailed in this section. Arranged according to author's last name, the books in
the Personal Library bibliography are illustrative of the Paulings' many interests
-- from pure science to sociological surveys to detective stories to crossword puzzles.
4,111 books
10. J.
(Page: 1 - 86)
Jackins, Harvey.The Human Side of Human Beings; The Theory of Re-Evaluation Counseling. Seattle: Rational Islands Publishers, 1965.
BF637.C6 J18.
Handwritten signature of the author on the title page.
Jackson, Eugene and I.A. Schwartz.New Approach to French. New York: Longmans, Green and Company, 1935.
PC2111 .J25 1935.
Handwritten signature of Linus Pauling. Handwritten notes.
Jackson, George.Soledad Brother : The Prison Letters of George Jackson. Introduction by Jean Genet. New York: Bantam Books, 1970.
HV9468 .J3 1970.
Jackson, Joseph Henry.The Portable Murder Book. New York: The Viking Press, 1945.
PN6014.1 .I5331 1945.
Jacobs, Harold R.Mathematics, a Human Endeavor : A Book for Those Who Think They Don't Like the Subject. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1982.
LT2313 Freem J32 Gr.9-10 1982.
Jacobs, Harold R.Mathematics, a Human Endeavor Teacher's Guide. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1971.
QA93 .J331 1971.
Jacobson, Jerry I.The Secret of Life : Perspectivism in Science. New York: Philosophical Library, 1983.
RC270.8 .J33 1983.
Jacobson, Michael F.Eater's Digest; The Consumer's Fact-Book of Food Additives; Foreword by Jean Mayer. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1972.
TX553.A3 J23.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from the author.
Jacobson, Michael F.Nutrition Scoreboard : Your Guide to Better Eating. New York: Avon Books, 1975.
RA784 .J31 1975.
Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Jacobson, Nathan.Basic Algebra. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1974-1980.
QA154.2 .J32.
Jacobson, Yvonne.Passing Farms, Enduring Values : California's Santa Clara Valley, with a foreword by Wallace Stegner. Los Altos,
California: W. Kaufmann in cooperation with the California History Center, De Anza
College, Cupertino, California, 1984.
S451.C2 J3 1984.
Jaeger, Francis Mauritius.I. Spatial Arrangements of Atomic Systems and Optical Activity. II. Methods, Results
and Problems of Precise Measurements at High Temperatures. III. The Constitution and
Structure of Ultramarines. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1930.
QD453 .J2.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Jaffe, Bernard.Crucibles: The Story of Chemistry from Ancient Alchemy to Nuclear Fission. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1948.
QD21 .J3 1948.
Jaffe, Bernard.Men of Science in America; The Story of American Science Told through the Lives and
Achievements of Twenty Outstanding Men from Earliest Colonial Times to the Present
Day. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1958.
Q127.U6 J19 1958.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling. Handwritten note to Linus Pauling
from the author.
Jagan, Cheddi.Forbidden Freedom : The Story of British Guiana. Foreword by Tom Driberg. England: People's Books Co-operative Society, 1954.
F2384 .J31 1954.
Jahnke, Eugene and Fritz Emde.Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves Funktionentafeln mit Formeln und Kurven. New York: Dover Publications, 1945.
QA47 .J3 1945.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from Ava Helen Pauling. Ownership stamp of Linus
James, Frank Cyril.On Understanding Russia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1959.
DK32.7 .J3 1959.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Janecke, Ernst.Kurzgefasstes Handbuch aller Legierungen... mit uber 800 abbildungen im text und auf 80 text-tafeln. Leipzig: O. Spamer, 1937.
TN690 .J3.
Janick, Jules.Horticultural Science. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1972.
SB318 .J3 1972.
Janick, Jules.Plant Science; An Introduction to World Crops. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1969.
SB91 .P55.
Jansen, Isabel.Fluoridation : A Modern Procrustean Practice. Antigo, Wisconsin: Tri-State Press, 1990.
QP535.F1 J351 1990.
Handwritten note. Typed letter and magazine clipping laid in.
Janson, Michael.The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care; foreword by Julian Whitaker. Greenville, New Hampshire: Arcadia Press, 1996.
RA784 .J361 1996.
Handwritten note from the author laid in.
Janssen Chimicsa.1991 Janssen Chimica Catalog Handbook of Fine Chemicals. Beerse, Belgium: Janssen Chimica, 1991.
TP202 .J3671 1991.
Janus.At Peril Let No Man Put Asunder Science and Religion. Ashingdon, England: C.W. Daniel Co., 1961.
Q173 .J35 1961.
Ownership stamp of Linus Pauling. Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Janzen, Bernd G.Communities of Conscience : Collected Statements on Conscience and Taxes for Military
Preparations. A study document of the Peace Tax Foundation. Washington, D.C.: Peace Tax Foundation,
UB342.U5 C651 1991.
1 page
TLS laid in from the publisher.
Japan Firefighters Association.Challenge of the Firefighting Mission. Tokyo: Japan Firefighters Association, 1980.
TH9585 .A6131 1980.
Jaric, Marko V., ed.Introduction to Quasicrystals. Boston: Academic Press, 1988.
QD921 .I57 1988.
Jaric, Marko V., ed.Introduction to the Mathematics of Quasicrystals. Boston: Academic Press, Inc., 1989.
QD926 .I58 1989.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling. Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Jaric, Marko V. and Denis Gratias, eds.Extended Icosahedral Structures. Boston: Academic Press, 1989.
QD921 .E81 1989.
Jariwalla, Raxit J. and Sandra L. Schwoebel, eds.Nutrition, Health, and Peace : An International Symposium in Honor of Linus Pauling. Palo Alto, California: L. Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, 1987.
QP141.A1 N8654 1987.
Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Jarquin Vallejos, Miguel.La Muerte de Cabuya. s.l.: s.n., pref. 1974.
F1526.3 .J371.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling on title page.
Jaspers, Karl and Hannah Arendt.Wahrheit, Freiheit und Friede. München: R. Piper, 1958.
DD257 .J371 1958.
Handwritten ownership stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jaworski, Leon.The Right and the Power : The Prosecution of Watergate. New York: Pocket Books, 1977.
KF228.U5 J3 1977.
Jeans, James Hopwood, Sir.The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism. Cambridge: University Press, 1927.
QC518 .J431 1927.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Jeffers, Robinson.Dear Judas, and Other Poems. New York: H. Liveright, 1929.
PS3519.E27 D4.
Handwritten ownership signature of Ava Helen Pauling.
Jeffress, Lloyd Alexander, ed.Cerebral Mechanisms in Behavior : the Hixon Symposium. New York: Wiley, 1951.
QP385 .S9.
Ownership stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jeffress, Lloyd Alexander.A Compilation of the Published Papers of Lloyd A. Jeffress. Presented to him by some of his students and friends. Austin, Texas: 1971.
BF21 .J4441 1971.
Jeffreys, Harold, Sir.Theory of Probability. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1948.
QA273 .J4 1948.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Jeffreys, Montagu Vaughan Castelman.Personal Values in the Modern World. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1962.
LC268 .J41 1962.
Jenkins, Will.War with the Gizmos : a Gold Medal original. Greenwich, Connecticut: Fawcett Publications, 1958.
PS3519.E648 W351 1958.
Jennings, Jesse David, ed.Ancient native Americans. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1978.
E61 .A57.
Jensen, Peter.San Diego; photography by Bill Ross, Craig Aurness, West Light. Toronto: Skyline Press, 1984.
F869.S22 J46 1984.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Jensen, William A.Botanical Histochemistry: Principles and Practice. Drawings by Evanell M. Towne. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1962.
QK861 .J4.
Handwritten ownership signature and stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jilek-Aall, Louise.Working with Dr. Schweitzer : Sharing His Reverence for Life. Surrey, British Columbia; Blaine, Washington: Hancock House, 1990.
R464.J45 A3 1990.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from the author.
The Jodoshinshu Book. Adapted from Jodoshinshu Monto Hikkei. Los Angeles: The Nembutsu Press, 1973.
BQ8718.5 .J61 1973.
Johansson, Gunde.Dan Andersson, finnmarkens spelman. Foto, K.G. Svensson. Stockholm: LT, 1988.
PT9875.A64 Z65 1988.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from the author.
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation.Directory of Fellows, 1925-1967. New York: 1968.
AS911 .J59.
Johnson, Arnold H. and Martin S. Peterson, eds.Encyclopedia of Food Science. Westport, Connecticut: Avi Publishing Company, 1978.
TP368.2 .E55.
Johnson, Arnold H. and Martin S. Peterson, eds.Encyclopedia of Food Technology. Westport, Connecticut: Avi Publishing Company, 1974.
TP368.2 E6 1974.
Johnson Foundation.The Dag Hammarskjold Memorial Lectures; The Quest for Peace. Racine, Wisconsin: 1965.
JX1977 .J63.
Johnson, Frank Harris, Henry Eyring and Betsy Jones Stover.The Theory of Rate Processes in Biology and Medicine. New York: Wiley, 1974.
QP517.R4 J64 1974.
Johnson, Frank Harris, Henry Eyring and Milton J. Polissar.The Kinetic Basis of Molecular Biology. New York: Wiley and Sons, 1954.
QP521 .J6.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling. Handwritten notes by Linus Pauling.
Johnson, G. Timothy.Doctor! : What You Should Know about Health Care Before You Call a Physician. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1975.
R727.3 .J64 1975.
Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Johnson, Oakley C.The day is Coming : Life and Work of Charles E. Ruthenberg, 1882-1927. New York: International Publishers, 1957.
HX84.R8 J6 1957.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from the author. Autographed copy.
Johnson, Pamela Hansford.Night and Silence Who Is Here? An American comedy. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1968.
PR6019.O3938 N51 1968.
Johnson, Samuel.Johnson's Dictionary; A Modern Selection Edited by E.L. McAdam, Jr. and George Milne. New York: Pantheon Books, 1963.
PE1628 .J6 1963.
Jonas, Steven.Medical Mystery : The Training of Doctors in the United States. New York: Norton, 1978.
R745 .J65 1978.
Jones, Daniel.An English Pronouncing Dictionary (showing the pronunciation of over 54,000 words in international phonetic transcription).
New York: E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc., 1937.
PE1137 .J55 1937.
Jones, Edward E. et al.Social Stigma : The Psychology of Marked Relationships. With a special contribution by Rita de S. French. New York: W.H. Freeman, 1984.
HM291 .S58873 1984.
Jones, Harry.The Theory of Brillouin Zones and Electronic States in Crystals. Amsterdam: North-Holland Pub. Co.; New York: Interscience Publishers, 1960.
QC176 .J6.
Ownership stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jones, Howard Mumford.One Great Society; Humane Learning in the United States. New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1959.
AZ507 .J6.
Ownership signature and stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jones, Oliver P.International Society of Hematology : history of the International Society of Hematology, 1946-1976. Dallas, Texas: Wadley
Institutes of Molecular Medicine, 1983.
RB145 .J61 1983.
Jong, Wieger Fokke de.General Crystallography; A Brief Compendium. With the collaboration of J. Bouman. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1959.
QD905 .J6 1959.
Ownership stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jonxis, J.H.P., ed.Abnormal Haemoglobins in Africa; A Symposium. Philadelphia: Davis, 1965.
RC641.7.H35 C6821 1965.
Handwritten notes of Linus Pauling.
Jonxis, J.H.P. and J.F. Delafresnaye, eds.Abnormal Haemoglobins : A Symposium; Organized by the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences, established
under the joint auspices of UNESCO and WHO. Springfield, Illinois: Thomas, 1959.
RC641.7.H35 C61 1959.
Ownership stamp of Linus Pauling.
Jordan, Pascual.Anschauliche Quantentheorie; eine Einfuhrung in die moderne Auffassung der Quantenerscheinungen. Berlin: Springer, 1936.
QC174.1 .J6.
Handwritten ownership signature of Linus Pauling.
Jorfald, Ursula.Bertha von Suttner og Nobels Fredspris. Oslo: [s.n.], 1963.
JX1962.S8 J671 1963.
Jorpes, Johan Erik.Jac. Berzelius. His Life and Work. Translated from the Swedish manuscript, by Barbara Steele. Stockholm: Almqvist and
Wiksell, 1966.
QD22.B5 J61.
Typed letter laid in.
Joukowsky, Martha, ed.The Heritage of Tyre : Essays on the History, archaeology, and Preservation of Tyre. With contributions by Camille Asmar ... [et al.]. Dubuque, Iowa: Kendall/Hunt Pub.
Co., 1992.
DS89.T8 H47 1992.
Juergensmeyer, Mark.Fighting with Gandhi. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1984.
DS481.G3 J84 1984.
Jugoslavenska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti.Popis izdanja Jugoslavenske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti u Zagrebu, 1945-1965 / [Urednik Matko Rojnic. Popis izradila Iva Mihovilovic] Zagreb: 1966.
Q69.2 .J81 1966.
Mailing label tipped in.
Jukes, Thomas H.Molecules and Evolution. New York: Columbia University Press, 1966.
QH611 .J8.
Handwritten note of Linus Pauling.
Julian, James J.Chelation Extends Life: Pass or Bypass? Hollywood, California: Wellness Press, 1981.
RC692 .J81 1981.
Handwritten presentation note by the author.
Julien, Robert M.A Primer of Drug Action. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1975.
RM315 .J75 1975.
Julien, Robert M.A Primer of Drug Action. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman, 1978.
RM315 .J75 1978.
Jungk, Robert, ed.Off Limits fur das Gewissen : der Briefwechsel zwischen dem Hiroshima-Piloten Claude
Eatherly und Gunther Anders. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1961.
U263 .E271 1961.
Jungk, Robert.Children of the Ashes; The Story of a Rebirth. Translated by Constantine Fitzgibbon. London: Heinemann, 1961.
DS897.H5 J813 1961.
Bookjacket clipping pasted in about the author.
Jungk, Robert.Der Atom-Staat : vom Fortschritt in d. Unmenschlichkeit. München: Kindler, 1977.
HD9698.A2 J83 1977.
Jungk, Robert.Menschenbeben : der Aufstand gegen das Unertragliche : ein Bericht. München: C. Bertelsmann, 1983.
K3240.4 .J86 1983.
Junkins, Donald.The Graves of Scotland Parish : poems. [S.l.]: The Massachusetts Review, 1967.
PS3560.U6 G7381 1967.
Handwritten note to Linus Pauling from the author.