The Oregon Agricultural College cadet band in the "new bandstand," 1912.
Harriet's Collection. (Click to enlarge)
The Special Collections & Archives Research Center provides a number of services, both in person and to our remote users. Please click on any of the following links for more information about specific services, or contact us and we'll respond to your question promptly.
Frequently Asked Questions: A good place to start your inquiry.
Donating or Transferring Materials: Everything you need to know about depositing materials into the Special Collections & Archives Research Center.
Reproduction & Use: Learn more about reproduction of materials for research purposes and publication purposes, as well as copyright and fair use.
Facilities: An introduction and virtual tour of our research, display and storage spaces.
Instruction and Outreach: Click here for an overview of the various types of instructional and outreach services that we provide, including one-on-one consultations and other engagement with our collections.
Records Management: This SCARC program advises Oregon State University departments and offices on filing, storage, retention, re-formatting, and destruction of university records. It also provides storage and retrieval of non-permanent, inactive, and/or confidential records that have not met their retention period in the University Records Centers.
Reference: Here you will find a number of resources, including online tutorials, that will assist you in conducting archival research.