Closed Stacks
Because most of the items held in the Special Collections & Archives Research Center are unique and irreplaceable, temperature and humidity control are maintained by an independent central processing unit. The closed stacks area is kept at a temperature of 67° F and a relative humidity of 47%.

Closed Stacks
View looking westward along the south wall, with portions of our rare book collection to the left along the wall.

Closed Stacks
View looking westward along the north wall, with the electronic compact shelving to the left.

Closed Stacks
A display of Linus Pauling's molecular models, with examples from the 1920s through the 1980s.

Closed Stacks
An aisle devoted to Linus Pauling's correspondence: some 100,000 items stored in acid-free boxes.
The Norman W. and Glenville Starr Wilson Room
The Norman W. and Glenville Starr Wilson Room, located separately from the Special Collections & Archives area in The Valley Library, is the result of a gift of books, art, and furnishings provided by Norman W. Wilson, retired Professor of English at the University. More information available in The Wilson Room collection.

The Wilson Room
Wilson and his late wife, Glenville, spent many years traveling in England and in the Pacific Northwest. During their travels, they capitalized on their ever-increasing interest in 18th and 19th century British history, collecting antiques, artifacts, and volumes reminiscent of the period.

The Wilson Room
In 1993, Wilson asked the Oregon State University Libraries if it might be interested in receiving a portion of his collection for use by students and scholars who would study the period reflected by his holdings.

The Wilson Room
Following conversations with the University Librarian and others on campus, Mr. Wilson decided to provide the collection along with funds to furnish a room dedicated to its presentation. The Norman W. and Glenville Starr Wilson Room is the result.

The Wilson Room
An eighteenth-century engraving by W. Bond from a print by George Moreland. Among the more than 70 original prints exhibited in The Wilson Room, are notable pieces by William Hogarth and Thomas Rowlandson.