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From the 1970s and into the 21st century, Ken Hildebrand helped Oregon's seafood processors find safer, cleaner ways to process and prepare the catch.


Sea Grant Extension agents such as Ginny Goblirsch bring fishing communities together to work with scientists and have an effect on marine policy. (Goblirsch, retired from Sea Grant, now chairs the Newport Port Commission).


Don Giles, Sea Grant's first marine educator, laid the foundation for using OSU's Hatfield Marine Science Center as a working classroom to teach young and old about ocean and coastal science.


Sea Grant fisheries engineering specialist Ed Kolbe worked with the fishing fleet to develop modern on-board systems that freeze fish within minutes of catching, ensuring high-quality products for consumers.


Bob "Jake" Jacobson, Oregon's first marine Extension agent, meeting with fishermen early in his long career.


Vicki Osis shaped Sea Grant's marine education program into a nationally recognized resource.


Dan Panshin and Bob Jacobson talk to an albacore tuna fisherman, 1965.

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Sea Grant researcher Wilbur Breese is checking the growth rate of cultured oyster spat. He set up a pilot oyster hatchery at Oregon State University's Marine Science Center in 1965. His investigations succeeded in unlocking mysteries of oyster…

This fishing fleet of trollers awaits a run of salmon at Yaquina Bay, Newport, Oregon. In the background is the Highway U.S. 101 bridge over the bay and mouth of the Yaquina River. Part of the city of Newport is shown on the right.