Douglas Strain Reading Room
The Douglas Strain Reading Room in the Special Collections & Archives Research Center houses the History of Science book collection. The reading area offers a pleasant environment for researchers and visiting scholars. The spacious floor is made of giant timber bamboo from Central Northern China and the furniture is of white maple.
Linus Pauling's Office
Viewable from the Strain Reading Room is an area containing items from Linus Pauling's office at the Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine, including his desk and chalkboard. Hanging on the walls are other items including a panoramic image of Pauling's Caltech office, a portrait of Ava Helen Pauling, and a special keepsake from the United States Postal Service marking the release of the Pauling postage stamp in March 2008.
All photographs, except Reading Room #1 and Closed Stacks #3, are by Eric Arnold, 2003.
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