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Fred Eckhardt was a prominent beer writer and critic whose work includes seminal brewing texts like A Treatise on Lager Beer and The Essentials of Beer Style. In this interview, he describes the events of his early life, recounting his time spent in…

Display at Miller's Department Store in Salem, Oregon recruiting farm labor during WWII. The window display was done by Mrs. Gladys Turnbull of the Marion County farm labor office.

Alice Johnson in her victory garden, Lake County, Oregon 1944.

County Agent Office Aluminum Drive in Gold Beach

A young boy operates a tractor during the WWII labor shortage in Polk County, ca 1942.

"Scrappo" mechanical scrap metal creation made by the Marion County salvage committee, Salem, Oregon.

Baker county extension staff displaying a shipment of silk and nylon hosiery collected by the Baker County Salvage Committee, 1943.

German Prisoners of War use self-propelled cart to help do work faster.

In the cook tents, the crew has been busy preparing the evening meal, the largest of the day.

Mr. and Mrs. William Rick, Baker, picking at the Mitoma hopyard near independence. They are Old timers and have been picking each season for 30 years. He is 77; she, 72; $12 per day.