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Requests copies of "Hiroshima", Report of Scientists at Lake Geneva Conference", "Last Hour Before Midnight", and additional article by Einstein

Requests 800 copies of "The Last Hour Before Midnight"

States that it has been 3-4 weeks and there has been no reply to his letter

Requests 200 copies of the Statement of Purpose on behalf of the Tampa section of the United World Federalists

Suggests that the leaders of Historic Peace Churches, The Fellowship Reconciliation and ECAS get together and call a press conference to stress the need for peace; requests literature

Regrets she cannot donate; offers list of Clearwater citizens for literature distribution; shares she is in favor of "defeating universal compulsory military training"

Requests four copies of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"

Donation; states she will send a more appropraite amount later; shares that her husband and brother were killed in WWII, and that she wants to assist an organization such as ECAS

Donation. Encloses list of potential donors.