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Inquires why his April edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists hasn't yet arrived; encloses a photograph of Einstein from 1932

States that he hasn't received the March edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Thanks for the literature; emphasizes his interest in the science of atomic energy; quotes Dr. Urey from an article in TIME magazine

Thanks for the March Bulletin

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Discusses influence of George Sokolsky on the public's opinion of atomic energy; states he is in favor of a world government

States that both sent copies of the Bulletin arrived; shares that he wished he knew about the publication sooner; requests a monthly subscription

States that there is a problem with the address on his copy of the April Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; inquires why he hasn't yet received his May copy

Requests real information about the state of atomic weapon development globally

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States that his bulletin has not yet arrived

Thanks for the subscription to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists