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States that there is a problem with the address on his copy of the April Bulletin of Atomic Scientists; inquires why he hasn't yet received his May copy

Requests real information about the state of atomic weapon development globally

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States that his bulletin has not yet arrived

Thanks for the subscription to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Inquires why his April edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists hasn't yet arrived; encloses a photograph of Einstein from 1932

States that he hasn't received the March edition of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists

Thanks for the literature; emphasizes his interest in the science of atomic energy; quotes Dr. Urey from an article in TIME magazine

Thanks for the March Bulletin

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Discusses influence of George Sokolsky on the public's opinion of atomic energy; states he is in favor of a world government

States that both sent copies of the Bulletin arrived; shares that he wished he knew about the publication sooner; requests a monthly subscription