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A native of Louisiana, Margaret Carter moved with her five children to Oregon in 1967. In 1974 she completed her masters of education in educational psychology at OSU, and became a counselor at Portland Community College, a career that lasted…

Mounted lantern slide of unidentified women crossing a stream on a plank bridge. Herman T. Bohlman (?) is standing at the back of the line.

The Women's Building was completed in 1926 and was designed by architect John V. Bennes of Portland. Bennes designed more than 20 OSU campus buildings, which were constructed during the 1910s to 1930s. t is made of brick manufactured in Monroe,…

Lucy M. Lewis was the University Librarian from 1920-1945. During her 25 years, Lewis established the Friends of the Library and helped Oregon State College become the second land grant institution in the nation. The library's classification system…

Te May Tsou Ching was a professor of seed physiology in the OSU Crop Science Department from 1956 until her retirement in 1988. She earned her BS from Central University in China in 1944 and her MS and Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1950 and…

Women dancers perform at a Cinco de Mayo celebration at OSU's Memorial Union.

Hand colored glass lantern slide

Hand colored glass lantern slide