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Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward demonstrating the use of a military machine gun. Captioned: "Three Vector Sight-Port Waist Gun. Forward side view, showing extreme position, gun elevated and aimed aft. Mt. Wilson Observatory - Pasadena,…

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward seated with a group of men in military uniform, Mount Wilson Observatory, near Pasadena, California. Annotated: "Mt. Wilson - Santa Barbara St."

Black and white photograph of Roger Hayward squatting, smoking a cigarette and tracing with his finger an enumerated trajectory that has been drawn on the floor.

Black and white photograph of an unidentified woman and Roger Hayward conversing at an outdoor art exhibit, possibly the Pasadena Art Fair.

Black and white photographic portrait of Roger Hayward, chin in hand, peering to his left.

Newspaper clipping titled "Keene Man Honored as Architect, Receiving Medal" as published in the New Hampshire Sunday Union Leader. The article details Roger Hayward receiving a gold and silver medal from the American Institute of Architects for…

Newspaper clipping titled "Handweavers to Meet" as published in the Pasadena Star-News. The article mentions that Roger Hayward will be a guest speaker for the Southern California Handweavers' Guild.

Newspaper clipping titled "Artists, Amateurs Busy Planning for City's 10th Annual Art Fair" as published in the Pasadena Star-News. Includes a photograph of Roger Hayward, John Wilson and Esther Larsen.

Newspaper clipping titled "Art in Tucson - Ford's Collection of Watercolors Varies from Dull to Interesting" by Beatrice Edgerly (unknown publication). The article mentions a new exhibit opening in Old Pueblo featuring mobiles in wood and metal by…

Newspaper clipping titled "Roger Hayward Elected Head of Artists' Society" as published in the Pasadena Star-News. The article explains that Hayward was unanimously elected president of the Pasadena Society of Artists.