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In this, the second of two interviews with Lynn Coody, Lynn continues to reflect upon her career and involvement with Oregon Tilth. She begins the interview by describing her early life in Oregon working at Lane Community College and Fresh Start…

In this, the first of two interviews with Lynn Coody, Lynn discusses her childhood, her career and her involvement with Oregon Tilth. She begins by sharing her family history, discussing community life in the small towns in New Jersey where she spent…

The primary focus of this interview is the early history of physical education and physical culture at Oregon Agricultural College. In this, Thompson asks the Gilkey sisters to share their memories of physical education classwork and other…

In the interview, Campbell describes her upbringing in rural southwest Oregon, her early interest in athletics, and her experiences as a student at Oregon State College in the early 1950s. Much of the interview focuses on the Physical Education…

In the interview, Rietveld discusses her upbringing in a conservative household, her development as an independent thinker, and her collegiate experience at the University of Illinois. From there she notes her first professional job at Southern…

In this student-led group interview, Janet Nishihara, Beth Rietveld, and Jo Anne Trow reflect on women’s history at Oregon State University. The interview begins with a discussion of how OSU’s policies towards women have changed over time. Trow…

Shaun Townsend is the senior researcher leading Oregon State University's Aroma Hop Breeding Program. The project, sponsored in conjunction with Indie Hops, focuses on developing experimental hop varieties which grow best in Oregon and contain…

Thomas Shellhammer is the Nor'Wester Professor of Fermentation Science at OSU, where he runs a lab dedicated to the chemical and sensory analysis of hops. With his guidance, undergraduate and graduate students alike receive hands-on experience in the…

Chris Crabb is the public relations director of the Oregon Brewers Festival and owner of public relations firm Crabbsoup. In this interview, she discusses her work as public relations manager of multiple beer-related accounts, emphasizing the advent…

In this interview, Muthukrishna and Kalyani Ramanujam talk about their families and memories of growing up in India, their educations and the experience of an arranged marriage, their immigration stories, their experience of life in Corvallis, as…