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Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented panoramic binocular telescope (No. 2,625,854).

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his patented bassinet mounting (No. 2,752,614).

Photograph of a walnut cracking device by Roger Hayward.

Letter from U. G. Ent, Brigadier General and Chief of Staff, Second Air Force, to Roger Hayward thanking him for the copy of "Manual of Flexible Gunnery" and for his work in the IX Bomber Command on gunnery.

Letter from Roger Hayward to LeRoy A. Brothers, Chief of Operations Analysis and Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Army Air Forces, assuring him that he will do all he can to help fill the ranks of the OAS. Hayward also gives his opinion of idea-men and…

Letter from W. H. Saylor, Associate Director for Engineering, U. S. Naval Ordnance Test Station, to Roger Hayward asking if he would be interested in helping them with their current administrative and technical problems at the Station.

Illustrations by Roger Hayward of his scanning device.

Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward of a candlestick. 8 in. x 10.5 in.

Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward of his brother Julian sitting on a chair. 8 in. x 10.5 in.

Pencil drawing by Roger Hayward of Abraham Lincoln. 8 in. x 10.5 in.