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The interview opens with Merryman recounting his memories of Delmer Goode, Merryman’s Scout Master when he was a teenager. Carl’s father abandoned the family around the same time that Merryman joined the troop, so Goode became a father figure to…

Merryman begins by describing what he knows of his family history. Of his grandparents, he only knew his maternal grandmother. She moved out to Oregon from Illinois in 1887 with her second husband and nine children. He admits that he knows very…

The interview opens with Francis discussing the Indian regalia that he received from his grandfather, who used to trade on the Siletz Reservation for baskets and also bought the regalia from John Ponsee, a beloved family friend and tribal member.…

In this interview, Francis opens by talking about Gilbert, the remote Minnesota town where he was born and where his father practiced medicine in the mining towns. Although he was too young when the family moved away from Gilbert to remember it, he…

In this interview, Lester Kirkendall discusses his career as a professor of sex education and family studies. Kirkendall was born and raised in western Kansas, graduating from high school in 1924. He then talks about his job as a high school teacher…

In this interview, LeVelle Wood discusses her career and lifelong accomplishments in home economics. Wood begins by talking about her affiliation with Oregon Agricultural College, explaining that as a child she already knew she would attend OAC one…

In this interview, Gertrude Tank talks about working as a dentist and later as a dental researcher at Oregon State University. She begins by discussing the dental clinic that she ran in Philadelphia for twenty-seven years. She decided to change jobs…

In this interview, Mabel Pernot recalls her experiences working as the manager of the Clothing and Textiles Stockroom at Oregon State University and her memories of Margaret Snell. The Clothing and Textiles Stockroom was housed in Milam Hall and sold…

In this interview, Virginia Harger discusses her career as a dietician, her influence on the advancement of home economics, and her association with Oregon State University. She begins by talking about growing up in Spokane, Washington, and attending…

In this interview, Margaret Fincke describes her job as a home economics professor and researcher at Oregon State University. Fincke begins by discussing how she initiated the Foods and Nutrition Program at OSU. She finished her graduate work in…