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Transcript of "Styles in Art" by Roger Hayward.

Copy of letter from Roger Hayward to the Editor of the Star-News regarding a misquotation in an article dated March 30, 1954 that stated the architect Elmer Grey implied he spoke for the leaders of Pasadena Artist Associates, Inc.

Illustration by Roger Hayward of a world map in magnetic coordinates with both a white and black background that ranges from N 80 degrees dip to S 80 degrees dip. This illustration was part of "Maps of the Earth in Magnetic Coordinates as an Aid to…

Illustration by Roger Hayward of a map of the North Polar regions in magnetic coordinates with both a white and black background that ranges from N 40 degrees dip to the North Magnetic Pole. This illustration was part of "Maps of the Earth in…

Illustration by Roger Hayward of a map of the South Polar regions in magnetic coordinates with a white background that ranges from S 40 degrees dip to the South Magnetic Pole. This illustration was part of "Maps of the Earth in Magnetic Coordinates…

Illustration by Roger Hayward of a world map in magnetic coordinates with a black background that ranges from N 84 degrees dip to the S 80 degrees dip that also includes contours of thunderstorms per year. This illustration was part of "Maps of the…

Illustration by Roger Hayward of magnetic loops in M 31. This illustration was included in an article of the same name submitted to the Journal of the British Astronomical Association.

Illustration by Roger Hayward of an apparatus for recording magnetic loops. This illustration was included in an article titled "Magnetic Loops in M 31" submitted to the Journal of the British Astronomical Association.

Illustrations and descriptions by Roger Hayward from "Flyleaves from a Snaturalist's Gnote-book" which was submitted for publication in The Worm Runner's Digest.

Reproduction of the article titled "How the Lion Got His Mane" by Roger Hayward as published in K. H. S. Enterprise.