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Thanks for the chatty note; sends Carnotite Uranium as a mineral sample for Einstein; talks about setting up an exhibit for ECAS and helping with fund raising

Sends a copy of letter from Hiroshima; tells that he proposed to Hawaii Native Institute again; mentions his new article in New Yorker

Still waiting for the New Yorker article; thinks the radio program "We the People" might act as a good board for the ECAS; asks for as many copies of new Einstein's article as possible

Tells that Paul is asking the Montreal company to send a contribution to the ECAS

Asks about the influence of the Conant affair in ECAS; gives updates on Bassy

Donation and asks for one copy of the Bulletin

Acknowledges the arrival of the letter of appeal; another donation from her homemate and herself

Donation; requests for statements to send his friends (have a hard time with the handwriting)

Expresses gratitude to the work of ECAS

Acknowledges the arrival of the Bulliten; speaks high of "Only Then Shall We Find Courage"; donation