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Norm Michaels had a long career as a forester on the Willamette and other national forests in Oregon and California, including a period of work as part of the Andrews Forest community. He begins this oral history describing his upbringing as an urban…

Al Levno rose from the rank of field technician in the 1960s to supervisor of support staff, photographer, and man of many other talents in operations of the Andrews Forest research program. The interview begins with family history split among…

Mike Kerrick had a career with the National Forest system that had him deeply involved with the Andrews Forest periodically from the beginning to the end of his career, culminating in being Supervisor of the Willamette National Forest where the…

Bill Ferrell was Professor of Forest Ecology at Oregon State University and the principal mentor of Jerry Franklin, as Franklin fondly recalled in seminars he gave. Ferrell begins the interview recounting his early childhood near Akron, Ohio, and…

Rolf Anderson had a long career in various capacities on the Willamette National Forest, including head of planning in the Supervisors Office and as a District Ranger. Many of these roles involved incorporating research findings in management, and he…

In this lengthy interview, Eric Forsman describes his career-long trajectory studying owls and other wildlife that strongly influenced federal forest policy and management. He outlines his growing up years with brothers exploring forests and…

In this clear and thoughtful discourse, retired Forest Service scientist and pioneer researcher at Andrews Forest Roy Silen responds to questions from more than a dozen highly experienced members of the Andrews Forest community on a wide range of…

Jerry Franklin, a long-time champion of native forests, especially old growth, begins this interview describing his education at Oregon State University and PhD from Washington State University, and how he worked for the Pacific Northwest Research…

Jerry Franklin has described John Gordon as a statesman for US forestry, based on his communication and social skills, and deep knowledge of forests rooted in the Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and Northeast. John Gordon begins this oral history…

Norm Johnson, a pivotal, though sometimes behind-the-scenes, player in Pacific Northwest forestry policy and planning for many decades, begins this extensive, candid interview recounting his upbringing in Berkeley, California, and education…