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Collection of scenarios for the Apocalypse, including a vision of nuclear war (pp. 172-221).

Foreword by Robert J. Bernard.
First edition.

First edition.

"A Popular Account of the Relations of Radium to the Natural World, to Scientific Thought, and to Human Life."
First edition.

Volume 1, Number 1.
Interesting attempt to reconcile the old style "G.I. Joe" type comic with the exigencies of the atomic battlefield. Thus, in the first story, "both sides have agreed to use only low-yield, clean atomic ammunition, and to…

This commemorative pin is of extreme rarity. It was apparently given to selected members of the project upon its successful completion. It is lettered in minuscule type on the reverse "WHITEHEAD-HOAG STERLING."

Photograph annotated: "Firing of the first atomic shell in the Armies [sic] first atomic canon at the N.P.G."