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In this interview, Froggi (Ramona) VanRiper discusses growing up in Northern Virginia, her great love of the outdoors and animals from a young age, and how she got the name Froggi. VanRiper also details the early mentor who took her for hikes and the…

Jessica Church discusses her childhood in Des Moines, Iowa, where she spent much of her time outside playing in her yard, biking, and camping. She was close with her family, and her grandmother lived across the street from her when she was growing…

In this interview, Michelle Smith (Estell prior to her marriage) shares with us her journey from playing basketball in a small town outside Columbus, Ohio to how she ended up falling in love with Oregon State and the city of Corvallis. Growing up,…

Harvey recounts what it was like growing up on a 25,000 acre ranch and how that influenced her work ethic and view of society in terms of gender. She describes what it was like transitioning from a small one-room schoolhouse to a larger middle school…

In this interview, Liddy Detar describes her upbringing with an interracial family that had a habit of moving around. She was mostly influenced by her mother who was actively involved in the civil rights movement and always promoted strength of…

Fred Swanson spent his career as a Forest Service earth scientist studying the geology-ecology interface mainly in the Andrews Forest and, also, serving in leadership positions, including as Principal Investigator of the Long-Term Ecological Research…

Fred Swanson spent his career as a Forest Service earth scientist studying the geology-ecology interface mainly in the Andrews Forest and, also, serving in leadership positions, including as Principal Investigator of the Long-Term Ecological Research…

Fred Swanson spent his career as a Forest Service earth scientist studying the geology-ecology interface mainly in the Andrews Forest and, also, serving in leadership positions, including as Principal Investigator of the Long-Term Ecological Research…

Zane Grey Smith was a long-time leader within the National Forest System of the Forest Service, including serving as Supervisor of the Willamette National Forest in the 1970s, and ultimately retired to the McKenzie River Valley and continued to…

John Moreau was a field technician for many years stationed at the Andrews Forest with continuing responsibilities for climate and other environmental monitoring activities and periodic special projects, which regularly took him to many sites…