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Mexicans harvesting cucumbers in Columbia County.

Returning to camp after the day's work the Mexicans go first to the "mail wall" where letters from home are posted.

In the evening musical instruments come out and typical Spanish tunes fill the air.

Mrs. Merril Hart, retired farmer's wife, speaks Spanish to help direct the Mexican work crews.

Mrs. Dorothy Burleson, Walla Walla nurse at Athena and Milton-Freewater farm labor camps, treating a Mexican National in a trailer dispensary at the Athena camp.

Each picker stays on his own row until finished, carrying a supply of empty sacks fastened to a picking belt.

A crew of 7 German prisoner's of war are operating the potato bulker on the Frank Bell farm just across the state line in Tulelake, California.

School buses were a primary mode of transporting youth workers. O.E. Mikesell, county extension agent for Linn County, recalled hauling youth by bus: "[4-H club agent John Hansen] and I drove the bus, and we'd pick up about forty or forty-five…

Victory Farm Volunteers registering in Lane County. Lovina Wilson, farm labor assistant, routes the first three youngsters to register during the Mobilization Day program at the Frances Willard school in Eugene, Oregon. The youngsters are, left to…