About this Project

This website is a product of the Oral History Program at the Special Collections and Archives Research CenterOregon State University Libraries. It was created by Elizabeth Thorley, Chris Petersen and Ryan Wick. Special thanks are also due to Philip Mote and Tiah Edmunson-Morton for their assistance in shaping the project. The initiative was funded by a grant from the Oregon State University Libraries and Press Undergraduate Internship Program.

Technical Note

Voices of a Warming Planet uses the Oral History Metadata Synchronizer, the Omeka web publishing platform, and the OHMSObject plug-in to present born digital oral history media alongside detailed interview indexes. The website is built upon the Seasons Omeka theme, which has been lightly modified through custom .css and .php scripting. These pieces of custom code have been released and are freely available for download through the OSU Libraries and Press GitHub instance.

Release Date: May 21, 2018