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Harry O-Reilly talking with a farmer in the field, 1946.

County Extension agents, Gene Winters, Reed Day, Dr. Clevland J. Gerard with 401 Swath Combine.

Crop specialist, E.R. Jackman explaining variety differences of oats to a group of farmers on a farm crops tour in 1923.

County agent, Ron Davis, inspecting a field of tansy in Clackamas County, Circa 1946.

George Hyslop certifying oats, circa 1919.

Rex Warren, County Agent; Frank Brown, Harry Lindgren, Extension Animal Husbandman; Ben Rodenwold, Beef management professor.

Dillard Gates, Extension Range Specialist, inspects Sherman Big Blue Grass, Gilliam County, 1956.

Don C. Mote, head of the Entomology Department, holding a strawberry plant, 1929.

Edwin Russell Jackman in a grass nursery, Grant County.

An Extension agent collecting grass samples from a pasture in Lane County, 1993.