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Some Indians were used in the pea vining operations. These are working on the C. C. Curl farm in Umatilla County, Oregon.

About 450 Japanese from relocation centers were used in Malheur County. They worked mostly for Japanese farmers, though these were working in the Dale Garrison beet field.

Indian strawberry picker near Gresham, Oregon.

A group of African-Americans working in a bean field near Scappoose, Oregon, led by Rev. M. C. Cheek of Guilds Lake Community Church, 1947. After the war ended, many African-Americans previously employed in Portland's shipyards sought farm work.…

Japanese American field worker, Ontario, Oregon. In May 1942, Malheur County became one of the first areas to recruit Japanese- American evacuees for farm work. Some of the evacuees remained in Eastern Oregon after the order excluding them from the…

Japanese Americans
Agricultural laborers