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Petersen, John E., February 2, 1947

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Dear Friends, I am living 12 miles, from Gladwin, and true my experience in 12 years up here, I have been discriminated yes arrested from spy: called names yes I tell you this is a ignorant Township too mutch religion and the don't know, what religion means. -- Just the same I am sending this valuable literature to friends and persons that is class - caucians - and I hope they will help true my offer - give and do all - they can. I am sorry I can not due any more, I am just getting enough to exist - I don't have a sanitary bed - or clothes [illegible] a [illegible]. I am sleeping on what we salt water sailors call (a donkeys breakfast) a straw mattress, made from crummy soks, and that is also my blankets. I wish you was here to see what I have to put up with - I have a bad head - cold - but no help - for all we have asked for doctor, but what do they care? When grass grow, I got to move from this pee house we are living in - my wife been sick for 4 months, and sick or well, I have to stand the brunt. (over)

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