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Young, Pearl I., October 18, 1947.

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Mr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Inc. Room 28, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

Dear Dr. Einstein:

I was pleased to receive the letter of September 26 and am sending a small contribution to your splendid work. I am sorry that my very limited funds will not permit a larger donation but will send more if I can get some outside writing or editing to augment my income. I recently gave up a lucrative government position to teach college physics because I thought the need was more urgent and am having difficulty adjusting my budget.

My colleague here in the physics department, W. Arthur Budlong, and myself are both genuinely alarmed about the misconceptions in the public mind conerning nuclear energy and take every opportunity to spread correct information not only in physics classes but to the local public in speeches, radio addresses, and public forums.

I would like very much to have an autographed photograph of Dr. Einstein for the place of honor in the physics office. Could arrangements be made to purchase one?

Very truly yours,

(Miss) Pearl I. Young

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