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Wittenborg, Mrs. Martin Herman, June 15.

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June 15 Jun 16 RECD

Dear Miss Ray,

Thank you for the two pieces of literature you sent me. I'm sending copies of both along in letters to Senators Lodge and Vandenberg. Last week we were trying to arrange a meeting with Senator Lodge in Boston with Dr. Charles Coryell, who has done such an excellent educational job for the Atomic Scientists around Boston (and who is also a World Federalist) and some other World Federalists. Mr. Lodge has just been appointed chairman of the Platform Committee of the Republican Convention and we had hoped to see him before he went to Philadelphia. However, he arrived and departed before we could rally our forces and reach him, but we did learn that we would set up a place for hearings in Philadelphia this Thursday, June 17. Mr Malcoln, the Federalists' political action man, said he would pass the information along to your committee. I understand that the Federalists will participate in those hearings.

Our local Federalist chapter is preparing a fairly large world government exhibit at a nearby tourist center. Do you have any photographs, approx 9 x 12, of an atomic bomb cloud (easily identifiable) which we would use on one of our posters? We hope to have this exhibit ready by the first week in July. In addition, if you have any literature which we could distribute in addition to our own, we would be happy to

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