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Posin, Daniel Q., March 22, 1947

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                                                       MAR 25   RECD


Mar. 22, 1947

Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 90 Nassau St; Room 28 Princeton, New Jersey

Miss Mary E. Ray or Mrs. Eileen Fry

  I have received a number of shipments of pamphlets, and have been using them.  By the way, someone always knocks the packages around pretty badly when they are sent under paper cover and they occasIbnally arrive pretty battered.  The package within the box arrived in fine shape.  Anyway, am using all. 
  There was a strange event in the case of one of the packages:  it arrived containing besides pamphlets a small box addressed C.O. 178th Fighter Sq (SP), Hector Airport, Fargo, North Dakota.  Since the entire package was under my name, I opened this box too and found a rec cross flag in it.  Now what am I to do?  Did you want me to deliver this to the Airport outfit or what?  or is it all a simple mistake?  or don't you have the slightest idea of what has happened?  It seems remarkable that you should be handling such assignments, but it's nothing to me, of course.  There remains the possibility that the package (the overall big one) which sort of got untied on the trip---it was somewhat knocked around all right-- had been retied en route and some postal clerk had tied in another piece of cargo mail,  thinking that it's all one place here... you know how that is.  Anyway, would like to hear from you on this matter. 
          Yours truly, 
            D. Q. Posin

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