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Posin, Daniel Q., January 28, 1947

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                                                       JAN 30   RECD


Jan. 28, 1948

Miss Mary E. Ray Room 28, 90 Nassau St; Princeton, N.J.

Dear Miss Ray:

  I had expected to see you late this month, and I am on the program at the Physical society Meeting;  but am not going---I don't know, too far,  and there are talks scheduled here;  probably they are more important than a ten minute address before a bunch of big-shots---still I had wanted to see you and Dr. Einstein.  Well.  I have 13 talks awaiting me for the next 6 weeks. And I could use about 5000 more pamphlets. 
  I am a little perturbed by news or rumors regarding some rift in the ECAS, or something of that sort.  Is there anything that can properly be told me---I am giving everything I have for the work of the Committee, and perhaps deserve to know a thing of such imprtance; hoiever, you are the best judge of that. 
  The work out here is going very well,  I would say, and it is all snow-balling   (leave it to North Dakota to evoke such a figure of speech out of me).   People are more and more interested, and not less and less.  How I wish I could be of more help, somehow.   What I think we need now throughout the nation is a determined drive for financial support, not merely by letter, but by personal appeal of thousands of scientists to thousands of people with real money.  Personal visits on a grand scale. Surely, men like Urey could approach the big boys and get money from them... or am I ever so naive in this wilderness of snow.  

 Do you suppose there is somehwere a photograph for me signed by Dr. Einstein, and another, of you---do you suppose?   
  But be that as it may, I'll take all the pamphlets I can get. 
              D. Q. Posin

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