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Posin, Daniel Q., November 26, 1947

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they want to help bring world peace... So frankly, I thought that some of the other boys might see me doing these things, our physics boys over the country and might unbend a little---but you must not think of anything vain when I speak in this way, this is all beyond any personal matter;  we're in this together and there is a job to do, and that's that.  Along these lines, I have received a number of communications from physicists too, confirming the thought I have just expressed--they like the "techniques" and in fact a Professor Pettengill from USC, referring to some recommendation by Dr. R.L. Meier (who has seen me do a little of this talk) has written to ask for records and diagrams etc.  And there are a few others, including invitation by the Minnesota area Director of UN to send records for broadcast and also appear in person---well, now, to come to the point; if you like, you can begin a trial sponsoring---thus,  arrange a big meeting, the bigger the better,  a mass meeting for me somewhere where other scientists can be present as well as the ordinary audience.  One suggestion is this: I am coming to the AAAS meetings in Chicago in December; 26-31.  You might consider a mass meeting then.  Now I fully realize that I would be a small-town boy in the big city of the great scientists---but to me it makes not the slightest difference, even if Professor Einstein is watching me from the front row-- I can deliver the goods, because I am not doing anything for myself.  Also, you might consider the possibility of having a mass meeting in New York at the end of January when the American Physical Society is having a meeting.  I would perhaps be going--certainly so if the mass meeting were arranged. 
5. Thus, to summarize, we might consider trial "tours"---just one or two, and then see how it goes.  If this is all not to the Committee's  exuberant interest at present, then it is not of interest to me, either---I in other words, I want absolutely no favors for me, because as a matter of fact I would not regard them as favors.  There, we have it now.  
  You had better send another thousand of everything as soon as possible. 
           With every good wish, 
                   D.Q. Posin

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