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Priest, A.J.G., June 29, 1948.

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REID AND PRIEST 2 Rector Street New York 6, N.Y.

1518 K Street, N.W. Was'rington 5, D.C. Cable Address: RNIDAPT

June 29, 1948

Dr. Albert Einstein Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, New Jersey

My dear Dr. Einstein:

  I had the privilege of hearing the quite remarkable Dr. Daniel Q. Posin of North Dakota State College at Chatham, N. J., last night and I was so much impressed both by his talk there and a somewhat similar talk which I heard Sunday on the way home from a World Government conference at Pocono Pines attended by Dr. Szilard, Clifton Fadiman, Cord Meyer,  Mortimer Adler, Stringfellow Barr and others,  that I would like to make a contribution to the work of the Committee of Atomic Scientists and, accordingly, I enclose a check for $50.  I do wish most earnestly that it might be possible for larger audiences everywhere in the country to hear Dr. Posin's magnificently lucid and greatly impressive presentation. 
  I am sure you will not remember me, even though I had the privilege of meeting you at a Princeton World Government conference several years ago,  but I am sure you will recall my uncle, the late Professor George N. Priest , who was a devoted and understanding friend of the old Germany. 
   With every good wish, I am 
          Cordially and sincerely yours, 
            S/ A. J. G. PRIEST 


cc - Dr. Daniel Q. Posin North Dakota State College Fargo, North Dakota

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