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Nekrassoff, V.A., February 16, 1948

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                      4 page  
  Something new is coming together with the Cosmic Energy to the threshold of every human abode, something new which is frightful and ominous for the plain, "governed" people as well as for the governing authorities for the capitalists just as much fatal as for socialists and communists! 
  Most certainly we have to think and speak now, today, as if the Atomic Energy was already with us! In our not too monotonous passt we already blundered into the age of steam,  steel and electricity with no provision and we are now blundering on the threshold of an era of technological and ideological changes which may have even more drastic consequences! 
  It can be said that the recognition is already given to the necessity for an unified approach to the new problems of mankind... but all what has been done so far are only straws pointing in the wind or rather - winds! 
  I raise my humble voice to suggest something which is not my own - but which had been given so aptly to all of us by the great minds of two scientists and teachers. 
N.A. Umoff and V.J. Vernadsky considered these very problems in terms of the Evolution of the Living World, in conjunction with the place and value of man in the all embracing flow of the Evolutionary Process. 
And - what is particularly significant - they began this study and their teaching at the very first steps of Physical Science directed into the new, uncertain at that time domain of the intraatomic structure and energy...  Those were days of popular scientific lectures describing a new wonder of Science extricating out a thimbleful of water enough energy for driving an oceanic liner across the Atlantic!

  Prof S. Umoff and Vernadsky were among the founders of the famous "Moscow Philosopno-Mathematical School" (1890-1917) - that unforgettable group of professors of the Moscow University popularly known over the all Russia as "Moscow's queer fellows".... 
  It would not be amiss to remind now in 1947 that their popular lectures of those remote days of 1907-1915, when dealing with the Atomic Energy, invariably were illustrated with the various schemes of "practical" exploitations of the Atomic Energy for "making" and "controlling" weather! Such was the expression of the first duty of the Russian Science during that gloomy hopeless period of the Russian History.   The Science wanted to be helpful, available to the needs of the Russian plowman - that proverbial "slave of the green grass blade"!...   And there was not a single project,  suggestion,  research ever made or contemplated for the "practical exploitation" of the Atomic Energy for the benefit of bigger and better guns and bombs!

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