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Nash, Cheshire, May 5, 1948

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                                                        MAY 7   RECD


May 5th, 1948


Dr. Albert Einstein, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists 118 Nassau Street Princeton, N. J.

Dear Dr. Einstein:

  Your letter of April 29th is received and I am enclosing herewith as I did last year a modest check as some small help in your campaign of public education.  It is more and more apparent that such public education is essential. 
  I received with your letter the accompanying circular entitled "A Policy for Survival", and I am taking the liberty of commenting on this since I share with you the thought that the perspective is not altogether hopeless, and the circular states that there is growing and powerful support of the peoples of the West for a drive for world government.  As evidence of the necessity of full support I am enclosing for your observation clipping from the Savannah Morning News of May 4th.  I do this because it is distressing to me to observe that so responsible a person as the rector of an Episcopal Church in Charleston, S. C,  should not only dismiss the idea of a superstate as idealistic,  but also if I read his article correctly,  dismisses the possibility of peace as also too idealistic a hope.  So low in some cases has sunk the state of the public mind. 
  I am encouraged to note that you are hopeful for discussion and negotiation at highest governmental level even if it means secrecy in its initial stages.  I should be happy to think that there is more between these lines than you have indicated on the surface and as for the level of the discussion I for one should be happy to see this level represented by Stalin, Truman,  Einstein or something close to this.
              Yours sincerely, 
                Cheshire Nash

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