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Sapiro, Aaron, July 8, 1946.

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Aaron Sapiro
629 South Hill Street
Los Angeles 14

Mr. Harold S. Oram, Assistant to Dr. Albert Einstein, Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Room 28, First National Bank Building, 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N. J.

                            July 8, 1946

Dear Mr. Oram:

  This acknowledges your gracious courtesy in sending me a copy of the very effective interview with Professor Einstein printed in the New York Times Magazine. 
   I have been sending it around to some friends here;  and the comment is universally in accord with Professor Einstein. 
  The only additional comment that appears is "it will take thirty years to accomplish this,  just as it took over thirty years to accomplish the first plan of Woodrow Wilson."   
  I feel that the important thing is that such a plan must be talked about,  so that it becomes part of the normal thinking and normal expectation of intelligent social-minded people.  
  Then in good time, it will come.
   If there were proper leadership in this country today,  it would come soon.  
   I repeat my appreciation for your thoughtful courtesy. 
           Aron Sapir 


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