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Lowry, Elizabeth, No Date.

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Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Princeton New Jersey Gentlemen: I am enclosing a dollar ^cash and wish I could send you more, but I am in debt, and until I get that paid off, it is not fair to my creditors to spend money for other things. I am sorry to say I mislaid? the last article you sent in regard to how little underline has been accomplished in the last year in regard to control of atomic energy and the realization of the seriousness of the world situation because of the atomic question. Would it be possible to send me several copies - perhaps five? We have a Teachers College here, and I wish we could have a speaker come out. On the enclosed sheet I am sending you names and addresses of people whom actually might make contributions to your fund, and be interested in your cause. I shall try to send more money later. Very sincerely Miss? Elizabeth Lowry 561 School Street Indiana Pa

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