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McKee, Ruth Karr, July 3, 1947.

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NE EAM IN ME VERTE KEY-WEND COTTAGE COULEE DAM, WASHINGTON July 3, 1947. JUL 7 RECD Dear Miss Ray: Your letter reached me at "Ruth Karr McKee "Hall, University of Washington, where as a a former regent of the U. of W. I was privileged to be a member of the President's party for the inauguration of Dr. Allen, our new president. In connection with this event a three day convocation on Atomic Science was being held. This I thought a very excellent thing for the U. to do. I have clipped this story from our State College in east-ern Wa. This sort of organization ought to be going forward every where. I am glad washington is in line. The tenor of the letters have received from your committee is such that I think you may be interested to know of this incident that happened here at the Dam. It shows how im-pressed even the children are with the theme and with the prestige of the men who are forwarding this campaign. As I wrote you I carried the first letter I received to my group of women students. One of these women was Mrs. Darland whose husband is Mr. Banks first assistant, on the Columbia Basin project. She related at the dinner table that Mrs. McKee had re-ceived a letter from the Atomic Committee and signed by Dr. Ein-stein. Nine-year old Mary said: "Is it really signed by Dr. Ein-stein? My, I would like just to see that letter". There are other children expressing the same interest. I shall avail myself of such opportunities to spread such sentiment abroad. In a letter from Dr. Urey, he informs me that He has asked that I receive a copy of the Atomic Bulletin. This I shall prize very highly and shall try to make the data it contains as widespread as possible. I am 73 years old, living in considerable retire-ment and it gives me great satisfaction that I can have a little share in so great a matter. Most sincerely yours, Ruth Karr McKee Ruth Karr McKee.