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Levine, Louis, March 29, 1947.

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The molecular particle is described erroneously as the tiniest part of frictional material to cause explosion, the [a6656n6] atom is the orbit , there is of course frictional material even tinier and more powerful than the atom, yet we have failed thus far to discover it. [above: M]ath, physics chem astronomy astrophysics are all part and parcel of the universal_ that befuddle man in his attempts to woo nature to part with her secrets of existence and life_ the reason for the failure is that man is working against nature instead of with her. with very few exceptions mans attitude is corollary to that of a despot refusing to acknow[l]edge the presence of a superior authority until it is thrown in mans face, even then man does not know the meaning of the end or the beginning of the end.And has always been his own worst enemy by refusing to cooperate with nature, which is of course mans greatest mistake, mans desperation was noted re[s]ently when Prof. Albert Einstein renowned physicist stated that the perfect equation a stabilization of all math_thematical and logical computations to equal a monotheistic figure is very evasive, and no one knows when that equation will resolve itself in the minds of men, perhaps never, ever elusive it is the secret of the universe, being a perfection unequalled anywheres any place, it is in the highest strata of life, far above and beyond the realm of human thought and the human m[i]nd its difficulty lies in its very simplicity the simplicity of God over all else that is the perfect equation which is difficult due to the fact that man resents God and all that the Almighty has been kind to formulate in the mind of man. Sham-[dashes added in pen]hypocrisy- derision-mockery-jealousy-greed-contempt-crudeness overweening attitude of man to man ignorance-fear those are all mans traits developed by man NOT by God God is Truth honesty decency res pect for ones self and others character and a mentality far superior to anything realizant is possible to be a gift of God upon the human being, God has ALL sources of knowledge wisdom to bestow upon the human_[ underscore added in pen] what has the human to offer God. Nothing

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