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MacLean, Jane, No Date.

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A list of names for pamphlets and requests for funds: Mr O A Miller 361 N. Parkview Ave Columbus O Mrs Albert M Miller 2402 N. Commonwealth Pk. " " Mr F.W. Schumacher 750 E. Broad St " " Mr Erdis G. Robinson 355 W 9th Ave " " Mrs Roth E. Rockwood 173 S. Parkview Ave " " Miss Betty LeVeque 390 S. Parkview Ave " " Mrs Wm McPherson 198 - 16th Ave " " Mrs Edward Orton 39 Torrence Rd " " Mrs. H.C. Verbeck 1010 Franklin Ave " " Mr Adolph E Waller 210 Stanberry Ave " " Mr Henry R. Spencer 1631 Roxberry Rd " " Mrs Joseph Lariva 2544 Bryden Rd " " Mrs Paul Tappan Mansfield Ohio Mr John Cranston 3690 Pringle St San Diego Calif Mrs Albert Frost 2375 Tremont Rd Columbus O. Mrs H H Garner Claremont California Mr James Henqst - 2111 Park Hill Dr Columbus O.

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