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Lochen, Miss Anne, March 12, 1947.

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We are grateful to the many friends who have offered us mailing lists. If you have received a copy of this appeal, you can help us by passing on the duplicate to a friends.


These few facts are accepted by all scientists: 1. Atomic bombs can now be made cheaply and in large number. They will become more destructive. 2.There is no military defense against atomic bombs, and none is to be expected. 3. Other nations can rediscover our secret process by themselves. 4. Preparedness against atomic war is futile and, if attempted, will ruin the structure of our social order. 5. If war breaks out, atomic bombs will be used, and they will surely destroy our civilization. 6. There is no solution to this problem except international control of atomic energy and, ultimately, the elimination of war.

The program of the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists is to see that these simple facts become known to the public. To accomplish this purpose, it will work through all appropriate educational organizations, including the National Committee on Atomic Information and member associations of the Federation of American Scientists.

The Committee does not propose to make governmental policy, either on the national or international level. Its purpose is to make available an understanding of the Atomic Era on which such policy must depend.

ALBERT EINSTEIN, Chairman Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Incorporated 90 Nassau Street, Princeton, N.J.

I want to help in your campaign of education to ensure that atomic energy will be used for the benefit of mankind and not for humanity's destruction. I enclose my gift of $25 toward your $1,000,000 Fund.

Name Anne Lochen Street Address 1502 - 8 St N. City Fargo Zone State No. Dak

The Treasury Department as ruled that gifts to the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, Incorporated, are deductible as contributions for federal income tax purposes.

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