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Endorsement of Crusade for a People's Convention, July 10, 1948

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WHEREAS the Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists, having explored for two years all other means than world government for making responsible the control of atomic energy, have become convinced that no other method than world government can be expected to prove effective, and that the attainment of world government is therefore the most urgent problem now facing mankind, THERFORE be it resolved that the Emergency Committee 1) heartily endorse the effort now being made to secure American participation in the Crusade for a People's Convention, sponsored in Britain by the so-called Usborne Committee, as the most promising method now offered for promoting world government; 2) has today allocated the sum of One Thousand Dollards as a token of their interest, to be transmitted to the proposed Foundation for World Government, and 3) has appointed as a sub-committee of its members, Professor Albert Einstein, Dr.Harold C. Urey, Dr. Philip M. Morse, and Dr. Harrison Brown, to work closely with the Trustees of said Foundation, and to explore methods for aiding the work of the Trustees, both financially and by all the means in the Committee's power. Albert Einstein Harold C. Urey Harrison Brown Philip M. Morse Frederick Seits T.R. Hogness Joseph E. Meyer

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