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de Vries, John E., November 18, 1946.

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stories every day, about the suffering of people in Europe, in the far East in short in all territories affected by the war, the point can be driven home. The stories are to be written in somewhat the same manner as the N.Y. Times produces, when it sollicits funds for it's "Hundred Neediest Cases." A constant headline slogan like e.g. "Intolerance breeds war" or "Would you like this to happen to you and yours" or "There is no defense against this", is to be used. Something simular could be worked out for the radio.

I can only give you the basic thought. Trained advertising-men and specialists in mass-psycology can devise better and more effective slogans. If my thoughts are not perfectly clear, I shall be very glad to further elaborate.

With the most heartfelt wishes for success for your more than timely undertaking,

Very truly yours, [signature] John E. de Vries.

c/o A. Nolan. 150 East 91 str. New York City.

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