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Crump, James I. Jr., No Date.

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"Oh , well, there's going to be a defense against it, people thought the world was coming to an end when they invented gun-powder". The thing they still didn't realize was that their world did come to and end when gun-powder was invented. Castle walls didn't mean a thing any more, walled cities were obsolete, and that by analogy the walls of the modern states were as nothing now, and walled ideologies were obsolete. To put it briefly they weren't impressed, and yet my skin literally crawled when I watched the news-reels, and I had an urge to either become so proficient at the contemplation of my own navel that I'd be absorbed into nirvana, or shoot myself and my wife. The only reason I troubling you with this rather long-winded letter is that one of us, Jack Wheat, is, I think, now in a position to be of some aid in your excellent program. As I said Jack is an artist, he is a graduate of the Yale art-school and at the present time he is teaching at the Whitney Art-School here in New Haven. He and a group of other veterans who call themselves Artists for Tomorrow have been very active in giving shows and generally making themselves known. Jack has taken first prize in Water-color at the National Arts Club and another member, Arthur Kraft has just taken first prize at the Audubon show in New York City. I showed Jack the re-

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