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Bath, Cyril J., January 21, 1948.

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COPY THE CYRIL BATH COMPANY East 70th and Machinery Ave. Cleveland 8, Ohio January 21, 1948 Mr. E. Everet Minett Emergency Committee of Atomic Scientists Room 28, 90 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey Dear Sir: I thank you for your letter of the 19th, which arrived at an opportune moment. The Council for World Affairs is organizing a complete day's discussion, starting the morning of February 28, on the problems of world government. At least that is the name temporarily selected, and that is the general subject. We expect Mr. Clark Eichelberger of the American Association for the United Nations, Mr. Trevor Holiday of the Federalists, Mr. Eli Culbertson, and others, and would like to get a good name from one of your groups. Every effort will be made to give the discussion the widest publicity by radio and the Press. The Council has very excellent access to all means of publicity; enjoys a splendid reputation in Cleveland, and can handle this for us much better than any other organization, in my opinion. The Council will be joined by the Womans Clubs, the Kiwanis, Lions, Rotarys, and very probably by the Chamber of Commerce, and has experience in organizing civic support in a manner which is occupying the closest and most anxious attention of intelligent people throughout the community. I believe it would be very opportune time for you to send someone to help us in this, and that the message would get the best publicity and attention in this manner. I hope you will let us know favorably you can send some one, and await with interest your reply. Very truly yours, Cyril J. Bath CJB/mpb

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