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Skog, Audrey, No Date

Revision as of Jun 14, 2015 1:24:08 PM, created by

                                                         NOV 20   RECD

515 - 11th Street North Moorehead, Minnesota

Dear Dr. Einstein,

  Yesterday we had a speaker talking on the atomic bomb, his name was Dr. Posin of the N.D.A.C. in Fargo, North Dakota.  I sure did learn a lot about it that I didn't know before.  
  I am taking chemistry in school and we are going to study the atomic  bomb for about a week.  
  I would appreciate it very much if you would tell me more about the bomb (if you can) because I am very interested.  I think this bomb is one of our world greatest discovery and our whole class would like to know how it works and vaporizes things (which Dr. Posin said) as it did at Hiroshima.  
  Would you please send me some phamplets about the atomic bomb.  
         Sincerely yours, 
            Audrey Skog